

He who casts his soul beyond the moonEven so, ends up staring off into space; Invaded. He who is clothed as the Doppler shift,Regaining his way back into orbit Whilst engulfed with uncertainty—He is a living entropy. In a counter-clockwise fashion,Lost passion; exasperation. It's the core of what life is.



Bitter and twisted, black licorice on a sunset.The chauvinists obtruded, "in misery we trust."Succumbed in the eyes of the superficial gents,A mere doll played at most but left on loose ends. Though, mindfully, why—Why does her sweetness painfully linger?Like traces of honey persisting in a cup of espresso,Yet seen to be only complimentary alongside robustness.Continue reading "Periphery"



To see you lighter than a silhouette. A battle of isolationary; Seeking is synonymous to a bet. Complimentary to peculiarity. Is it hypnagogic? Well, solemnly. Platonic puzzlement; rest from above. Seeking for unanswered mutuality. Feels like a trap that was never thought of. Ink is running towards the page of time, It bleeds, foolishly andContinue reading "N,N-Dimethyltryptamine"


Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

"Oh, I must be one of the few who've escaped the cave!" I thought. One time, as I scan through different interpretations, my head started to feel somewhat overloaded with information since it was quite a complex experience to do and comprehend. It was as if I was going into a pathless trail whilst findingContinue reading "Plato’s Allegory of the Cave"

It Does Not

Does it matter? Efforts have gone through. Deducing a mysterious fool, While trapped in mere mindfulness. Does it matter? Puzzlement is indeed evident, But the pieces were never thought of. Notice —did he? Does it matter? You've always fit the bin. Been seeking for unanswered mutuality, Solutions weren't thought of evenly. Does it matter? ItContinue reading "It Does Not"

Melting Clocks

A dead fish flows in the vast ocean, While herds continue to have the same identity. Inside a colorless void, we fill our illusions. Amalgamation of conformity and mediocrity; The end of humanity. Perpetually dying, a behemoth lapse. The persistence of memory, it revolves effigy. Mainstream mindfulness depicts an empty casket. Feel the pendulum startingContinue reading "Melting Clocks"

The Disintegration of a Perpetual Spell

A familiar knock outside his secluded apartment was heard, it was his best friend, or known by the gossips as the former romantic partner of Ellejo. Loud knocks are made evident by him not giving a damn about the thud of the dark-tinted old door. Lazily, he gave up and covered up his current pieceContinue reading "The Disintegration of a Perpetual Spell"


One time I was inside a chamber where I felt like I didn't belong: the church. Another mass has been conducted by the school as a thanksgiving of some sort. Everyone, regardless of what religion they're in, are mandated to join the said event. I was seated silently at the back beside my friends asContinue reading "Me?"


If we were meant to believe in a construct that is merely full of lies, is it ethical to conduct thinking that parallelism is probable? Do you ever just ponder on basically how the world rotates in a specific sense that no one knows? It pretty much bugs me when I'm on an existential state.Continue reading "Solipsism"

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