
One time I was inside a chamber where I felt like I didn’t belong: the church. Another mass has been conducted by the school as a thanksgiving of some sort. Everyone, regardless of what religion they’re in, are mandated to join the said event. I was seated silently at the back beside my friends as the mass proceeded.

Literally, my body started to vibrate. Similar to the feeling where your incubation is slowly turning into an astral realm. White noise from the preaches, the smell of strong incense, and alien praises played at the background of my dissociation. Thoughts, my dear thoughts were on waging war. The battle of my rational and curiosity is focused on the thought of why I see the people around me as a prisoner of my own body.

“Hey, are you even normal?” Two religious folks greeted me as I was seated at the back of the class while I was silently working on an essay. It is quite obvious that what was said was rhetorical, maybe with the way I was acting or with my peculiar belief. They probably have been talking about my sudden revelations, and the fact that I did not belong.

I like to think that these people belong to a monotonous herd, not because they have a different perspective when it comes to the supernatural, but because of how they act and see others while possessing a sacred image to conform with most people. They manage to memorize repetitive verses but never absorb the power of respect to mirror everything they say that they are.

Me. How? Why?

I guess knowing the answer can prove the existence of impossibility.

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