
If we were meant to believe in a construct that is merely full of lies, is it ethical to conduct thinking that parallelism is probable?

Do you ever just ponder on basically how the world rotates in a specific sense that no one knows? It pretty much bugs me when I’m on an existential state. All the things written on this shite journal is just a quarter sum up.

Each time I breathe in skepticism, the masses seem to not understand that not everyone is up for the opium. That not everyone wants to believe in something they consider a must. And it made something normal to be categorized as a weird archetype. There was even one time a professor once accused me of having an odd perception just because i practice syncretism and skepticism. Not to mention, he taught religion.

What a surprise.

To be honest, it felt like my whole being and all doesn’t make any sense anymore. Alone in a room-filled with curiosity while surrounded with a standard societal concept of do’s and do not’s. As the clock ticks, my eager motivation to fill a gap and train my way of thinking to honor artistry and give justice to the causes of such all went to shut down.

Until I came across a clip of Jim Carrey, talking in a way and about something that not everyone is familiar with while people seem to think he became a lunatic of some sort. The whole video of his enlightenment made me think of a single word that is possible for a few. And you guess it right, it is Solipsism. Also, that is the time where it felt as if i wasn’t alone.

Solipsism, what in the world.

From the Latin solus, meaning ‘alone’, and ipse, meaning ‘self’. It is a concept wherein one thinks that everything is just a state of mindfulness. By everything, I mean everything except you, the thinker. Not that I fully believe in the thought but, of course, let me again mention the probability of all events. Thanks, math!

PS. This post wasn’t meant to be a god-complex thing.

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